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Product Proposal Doc

Be Creative and Stay Counteractive

There is no designated format for the Product Proposal Document.

You may create your own idea proposal as long as you keep the following minimum requirements and include the following components.

Minimum Requirements
  • Minimum of 5 pages and maximum of 10 pages; You may include an appendix of infinite length

  • Be submitted in PDF format

  • Contain only publicly available information

  • Write in readable font and minimum font size is 12

  • Label all figures

  • Be the original work of the student


Include the Following Components:

Product Description

Come up with a new product idea that the supporting firm could realistically employ. The new product can be goods, services, or system. In this context, P.O's expectation of 'new product' is a product that can be just better or more efficient than pre-existing ideas. 


Why your product is a turning point

Answer the main question of this competition by considering the following factors:

  • Industry Characteristic

    • in relation to customers​

    • in relation to sales method

    • etc

  • Difference between Target and Supporting Firm

    • in relation to ​financial positions

    • in relation to pre-existing assets (infrastructures, distribution system, etc)

    • etc

  • etc


Estimated Profit and Costs

Using research-based assumptions and available financial statements, include the following components:

  • Estimating Profit

    • regarding demand from pre-existing customers of the supporting firm​

    • assumed by historical revenue created by similar products

    • etc

  • Estimating Costs

    • including possible fixed costs (you may have no fixed cost by utilizing pre-existing assets of the supporting firm)​

    • including variable costs

    • etc


Appendix & Citations

You may include an appendix of infinite length. Make sure you cite all sources in either MLA or APA format. ​



  • Appendix

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