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Image by Yume Photography

Turning Point

A Business Consulting Competition where your creative business idea can be applied to the real world. 

Competition Context
In the Turning Point competition, you are a visionary team in a business consultant firm. Your team decided to stand out against other teams for fame, wealth, and promotion opportunities. Now, your team must do the following:
  • Research to find an industry, a firm to "take down," and a firm to "support"
  • Analyze the industry and the firms' financial position
  • Devise a product (e.g. goods, service, or system) for the supporting firm
  • Present your work 
When deciding industry, target firm, or supporting firm, participants may research on their own or utilize the firm list. The provided firm list is not highly recommended to use. 
Takeaways for Participants
  1. Workshops hosted by P.O offers participants to...​​

    1. understand financial statements in perspective of both the firm and investor​
    2. learn how to analyze financial statements
    3. learn how to write a simplified sell-side report based on SWOT analysis
    4. learn how to utilize analysis of financial statements in business idea proposal
    5. find entrepreneurship hidden in them
  2. ​Turning Point Competition offers...

    1. teams with brilliant work to attempt actual contact with the firm they supported

    2. top winning teams to receive awards & prize money

    3. non-highschool students of top winning teams gets to participate in the Game Changer Competition

    4. participants to prepare for the Game Changer Competition

    5. networking opportunities

Competition Description

The competition revolves around selecting a leading firm within a specific industry, termed the "target firm," and identifying a "supporting firm" to compete against it. Participants will delve deep into both firms, conducting comprehensive research to understand their market position, financial performance, and competitive advantages. Then, participants must come up with a business idea for the supporting firm, based on their analysis. At the end, each team of participants writes an analysis report on firms they researched, compose a proposal document for a product, presents their work, and be graded based on a grading criteria available to all the visitors of the P.O website.


Students at any age level may participate in the competition. Students must form a team of 3 students at minimum. A maximum number of members in a single team is 5 students. Students can select a team member from another school or region. 

Program Calendar


Submission Guidelines

Each team must submit the following three works before the deadline.

Image by Hert Niks


SPEC  Report

Product Proposal Document

Minimum Requirements

  • Be submitted in PDF format

  • Contain only publicly available information

  • Write in readable font and minimum font size is 12

  • Label all figures

  • Be the original work of the student

  • Minimum of eleven (11) pages and maximum of fifteen (15) pages; You may include an appendix of infinite length

  • Minimum of five (5) pages and maximum of ten (10) pages; You may include an appendix of infinite length



Minimum Requirements

  • Submit presentation in PDF format or Microsoft PowerPoint format.

  • Slides must have bullet points of key information for the viewer. 

  • Visuals for financial analysis information (e.g. graphs) must be included

Image by Darryl Low


SPEC  Report

A sell-side style report containing financial overviews, industry analysis, and competitive advantages.


Product Proposal Document

A separate document proposing your business idea (e.g. product, system, service, etc).

Image by Gabriella Clare Marino
Image by Darran Shen



Slides of presentation demonstrating your analysis from SPEC Report and Product Proposal.

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