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(Speculatores Report)

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Introduce your team with the following components:

  • Team name

  • Date(Month and Year) of report submission

  • Team Leader's Name and Email

  • Name(s) of designated Research Analyst(s)

  • Name(s) of designated Product Developer(s)



  • Name of Industry

  • Names of Target and Supporting Firm

  • Tickers of Target and Supporting Firm

  • Market Cap of Target and Supporting Firm

  • Share Price of Target and Supporting Firm

Introduction of Team (Page #1)

Part 1

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Part 2

Industry Overview (Page #2)

Report the industry you researched in an organized manner.
Link to a student-made sample: 

    [Only Provided to First Class Participants]

Include the following components:

  • Industry Name

  • Industry Overview

Examination of Supporting Firm (3 Pages) & "Target Acquisition" (3 Pages)

Part 3



Each group must include the following components:  

  • Company Statistics (+ You may include additional highlights)

I. Market Capital                          V. Beta

II. Enterprise Value                       VI. P/E ratio

III. 52 Week Range                       VII. ROE

IV. Dividend Yield                         

  • Brief Description of {Target/Supporting} Firm

  • Key Financials of {Target/Supporting} Firm


Link to a student-made sample:                       

      [Only Provided to First Class Participants]

Form two groups of pages. (i.e. Page #3~5 and Page #6~8) 
For each groups of pages, identify each firms with the aim of effectively deploying your "turning point" product.

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Part 4

SWOT Analysis (Page #9~ {Min: #11} & {Max:#15})

Compare and contrast the following factors of the Target and Supporting firms:

  • Competitive dis/advantage

  • Financial Position

  • Growth Potential

  • Industry Situation

  • Macroeconomic Situation

  • (Optional) Valuation


To encourage creative approach of comparison, the following student-made sample  does NOT include a comparison. Instead, it only contains detailed SWOT analysis of a SINGLE firm: 

[Only Provided to First Class Participants]

You may include an appendix of infinite length. Make sure you cite all sources in either MLA or APA format.



  • Appendix

Appendix & Citation

Part 5

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